The research presents evidence that this production for use of global aquaculture supply chains is precipitating the collapse of stocks and compromising food security
The policy department for structural and cohesion policies of the European Parliament presented a study for the PECH committee on ‘EU fisheries, its latest developments and the upcoming challenges’
The launch on Friday of the report on oceans by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an opportunity to challenge the ecological credentials of the ‘blue growth’ concept. This dangerously claims that economic growth in ocean industries can be done in a sustainable way. However it is now urgent that this unproven claim is scrutinised, and alternatives to economic growth for ocean economies are given more serious attention.
- Crime & Law enforcement
- Access Arrangements
- Political Reforms
- And one more?
In this new report, CFFA highlights six areas of concern that demonstrate how incompatible blue growth is with the development of healthy, sustainable artisanal fisheries and how it prevents the advance of the responsible governance of tenure to achieve food security and poverty eradication