CFFA supports CAOPA and APRAPAM's request for a concerted approach on the management of shared stocks such as small pelagics and hake
Read moreCSOs comment on access conditions for EU fleets fishing outside FPAs
One issue CFFA and other NGOs insisted on in the context of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, was the need for the EU to ensure all its external fleets respect similar sustainability conditions, including those fishing outside FPAs and RFMOs. Such concern was taken into account in the reformed basic regulation, and the process is now advancing a step further with the revision of the Fishing Authorisations regulation (FAR). Prior to the publication of its review proposal, the EC has organised a consultation, for which Civil Society organisations active in the Long Distance Regional Advisory Committee (LDRAC) have sent joint preliminary comments
(click here to see the comments).
8 organisations, including NGOs (Bread For the World, CFFA, Danish Living Seas, Oceana, Seas At Risk, SSNC, WWF) and the trade union ETF insisted that the FAR should ensure that key sustainability rules agreed in the reformed CFP, - in particular the restoration of marine biological resources-, and those specified in binding international agreements, are implemented for all EU flagged vessels fishing outside EU waters. These organisations then make comments and proposals to address, in the FAR review process, the following specific issues:
- Abusive reflagging:
- The lack of transparency in private arrangements:
- The need to ensure that social legislation is properly applied:
- The need to monitor private arrangements
- Coherence and compliance with Control Regulation, IUU Regulation and Regulation on countries allowing unsustainable fishing
For Mauritanian CSO, Joint scientific committee confirmed FPA protocol orientations
Acknowledging the results of the EU-Mauritania Fisheries Partnership Agreement Joint Scientific Committee meeting, held beginning of April, Mauritanian civil society organisations, as well as organisations supporting them,- including CFFA-, issued a joint communication in which they emphasize these results confirm that the changes introduced in the provisionnally adopted FPA protocol are in support of sustainable fisheries, in particular with regard to the octopus, small pelagics and coastal shrimps resources.
The European Parliament ambitious for the future EU fisheries relations with third countries
The European parliament voted on February 6th 2013 on its report concerning the future CFP legislation (the ‘basic regulation’). The final report was supported by an important majority of parliamentarians (502 in favor; 137 against – a qualified majority is 377). This means that the Parliament is in a relatively strong position to now go and discuss with the Council and EC to get a final agreement about what the future fisheries policy will look like.
In a briefing note, CFFA highlights the elements of the report that will affect the future EU fisheries relations with third countries (click here for CFFA note), whether they are related to future Sustainable Fishing Agreements (SFAs), fishing operations taking place under RFOs or outside the framework of SFAs and RFOs. Important progress are also registered in terms of good governance, transparency in particular.
EU/Morocco FPA: ongoing negotiations of a new protocol
The third round of negotiations on a new protocol of the Fisheries Agreement between EU and Morocco took place in Rabat on 15 and 16 January 2013. Following two rounds essentially dealing with the technical conditions that would apply to the EU fleet under the new protocol, the discussions dealt with financial aspects as well as with political issues. At this stage, the parties agreed to consider an increase of fishing opportunities, whereas technical conditions are being revised for certain fishing categories, with a view to optimise future fishing effort. Exchange of views has also taken place about the envisaged financial support of fishing sector in regard with programming, implementation and reporting conditions. The previous protocol had been signed in 2011 but rejected by the European Parliament.
Protocol to the EU-Mauritania FPA: CFFA requests that the Parliament supports the text
CFFA share its view on the EU-Mauritania fisheries agreement protocol, prior to the hearing organised on January 21st in the European Parliament on this issue, in a note attached to this article.
Together with Mauritanian partners from the civil society and fishing communities, CFFA is mainly concerned about the environmental sustainability, the support to local fishing communities and the governance aspects of the FPA protocol proposed.
Based on the analysis of the protocol by partners during a round table discussion held in Nouakchott last October, CFFA feels the protocol that has been negotiated should be supported by the Parliament, as it largely answers many of those concerns:
The principle of access to surplus is respected, particularly for the octopus, which is a strategic resource for Mauritanian artisanal fishermen;
the new zoning, pushing the trawlers away from the coast, will better protect ecosystems and local fishing activities;
the obligation to land the catches locally will give a boost to onshore activities, and related job creation
the new basis for calculation of access will ensure there is a better idea about what is caught
the possibilities for opening up the attendance of the Joint committee to stakeholders representatives will help improve transparency and participation
Some EU vessels have started fishing under the new proposed protocol, but most European fleets involved in Mauritania do not agree with the technical conditions and/or the financial conditions provided by the protocol, and are proposing to reject the agreeement, a position that is followed by the EP rapporteur in its proposed report
CFFA feels there is sufficient scope in the terms of the protocol, – in particular provisions for the Joint Committee and its mandate-, to accomodate EU sector’s concerns, provided those concerns are in line with sustainable fisheries, local development needs and good governance.
The representative of the Mauritanian artisanal fishermen, Mr Sid’ahmed Abeid, will give his views at the hearing next Monday. The debate can be followed live, between 3 PM and 5 PM, on (click on ‘Today’s broadcasts’)
See CFFA’s note in joint document
Attempt to reintroduce foreign pelagic trawlers in Senegalese waters - can the Council of Ministers authorise what is not legal?
Extracts from the contribution of Dr Sogui Diouf, Veterinary, published on the APRAPAM website
The allocation of fishing licenses to foreign pelagic trawlers made the news in the last weeks: Senegalese were surprised to read the 13 December Council of Ministers press release, which read: ‘The Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs discussed the issue relating to the granting of fishing licenses to foreign vessels’. The decision of the President of Senegal was to ‘extend the biological rest, and to freeze the granting of fishing licenses to foreign owners for a period of at least one year’.
Things need to be clarified: a fishing license is the document that industrial fishing vessel must have to be allowed to carry out fishing activities, while the biological rest is a fisheries management measure whose objective is to reduce fishing pressure and which, combined with other measures, can contribute positively to recovery of overexploited resources and support the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources. The foreign vessels referred to in this press release are the pelagic freezer trawlers flying the flag of Russia, Lithuania and flags of convenience. These boats, commonly called the "Russian vessels" were illegally authorized by the former Minister, between 2010 and 2012, to fish in Senegalese waters. The decision of the President means therefore that he wants the freezing of the licensing of these vessels for at least one year.
What does Senegalese Law say? The Senegalese law (98-32 of 14 April 1998) states in Article 16: ‘fishing vessels flying foreign flags are allowed to operate in waters under Senegalese jurisdiction, either under a fisheries agreement between Senegal and the flag State or organization that represents the flag state state, or when chartered by natural or legal persons of Senegalese nationality’. Decree 98-498, article 23 further states that: "chartering foreign fishing vessels by legal persons of Senegalese nationality may be allowed only in exceptional cases, by the Minister of Marine Fisheries, to face supply difficulties of local processing industries." Pelagic freezer trawlers are not part of the list of chartered boats that are allowed.
The argument of the former Minister for issuing illegal fishing licences to the Russian vessels was that ‘Some shared resources in the high seas, essentially sardines and mackerel, are insufficiently exploited by our national fleet (industrial and artisanal). The result is a loss for our country. Senegal has therefore sovereignly decided to exploit those resources for public benefit, like other countries in the subregion.
Such arguments don’t hold water: first of all, sovereignty cannot be exercised illegally. Currently, there is no law or regulation in force that allows such fishing operation to happen. It will remain so,unless the legislation was to be changed.
Secondly, the sustainability of such operations targetting small pelagics is questionable:
◦ The CECAF/FAO Working Group assessment of small pelagic off North-West Africa, composed of experts from 14 countries, concluded at its last session held in May 2011 in Casablanca, that "the sardinella stock is currently overfished and such overfishing presents a serious risk to the continuity of industrial but also artisanal fleets activities";
◦ A lack of fish estimated at 3 million tonnes could also occur at the level of our sub-region by 2015 if such resources were to diminish drastically because of over exploitation (source Mariama Barry, CRODT);
◦ The ‘Russian’ trawlers are factory vessels of 100 to 120 meters in length and with tonnage between 3142 and 7765 GRT. Catches are either frozen on board, processed for human consumption, or transformed into fish oil and fish meal. The pelagic trawl gear they use is devastating, as they pick up everything in their path, pelagic fish as well as groundfish;
Changing the law, or signing a fisheries agreement with the flag states involved are the two possibilities for licensing such vessels – neither should be considered, given the state of overfishing of our resources and the poor fishing practices of these trawlers. Senegal has, by contrast with other countries of the region like Mauritania and Morocco, with which they share the small pelagic resources, a very active artisanal fleet targetting these stocks, which is responsible for 85% of the landings in the country. 80% of animal protein consumed by the 13 million Senegalese comes from fish, with a consumption of 26 kg / person / year. It provides 17% of direct and indirect jobs: 54,000 artisanal fishermen using 18,000 canoes. Finally, it represents 12.7% of export earnings.
Questions ◦ Was it appropriate for the Ministry to submit to the Cabinet a proposal for the licensing of ‘Russian ships’, since the legislation does not allow it?
◦ Cancelling these licenses in April, to propose to issue new ones in December seems a bit messy – how does that stand with the good governance promoted by the government?
◦ If it was so important to licence these Russian ships, why not explore the legal possibilities that exist: a fisheries agreement or a amendment to the law, to be transmitted to the National Assembly for adoption?
Is not it time to finally close this painful episode which raises so much passion? One much more pressing issue is to find sustainable fishing possibilities for our fishermen from Saint Louis, as it is not safe to rely only on licenses provided by the fisheries agreement with Mauritania. Should this not concern us more than trying to licence Russian pelagic trawlers?
The full text is available in French, from the contribution of Dr Diouf ‘Tentative avortée de réintroduction de chalutiers pélagiques étrangers dans les eaux sénégalaises : le Conseil des Ministres peut-il autoriser ce que la Loi en vigueur ne permet pas’ on :
The European Parliament echoes the concerns regarding the lack of transparency in the EU-Mauritius FPA and protocol : the EU Delegation in Mauritius gives some answers
A new FPA and its protocol were signed between EU and Mauritius in February 2012. The final ratification has not occurred yet but criticisms are rising regarding this agreement. A number of organizations linked to the fishery sector in Mauritius expressed their worries on the way the negociations of the FPA and the protocol were conducted. They condemn in particular the lack of transparency and lack of public consultations of stakeholders, which would be in contradiction with the Aarhus convention. The EU delegation in Mauritius issued a press release which answers partially to these concerns. It is said that the fishworkers’ trade union was indeed consulted as all the stakeholders to the agreement. Others meeting were also organized with the Delegation and fishworkers organizations, as well as a meeting in may 2012. It is reminded that the FPA is a commercial agreement and therefore some informations regarding the partner country shall remain confidential.
Regarding the matter of stocks overexploitation, the fishing opportunities are based on the best scitific advices and management recommendations suggested by the scientific committee of the IOTC and the latest report says that none of the stocks targeted by the EU fleet are overexploited. Besides, one of the objectives of the protocol is to avoid any conflicts between the industrial fleets and small scale fisheries. The species targetted by the EU fleets are not the one landed by the small scale fisheries. It is emphasized that the fish is not sold off by the EU and that the aim of the financial compensation is to help developping the fishery sector in Mauritius, taking economic governance and fisheries sustainability into account.
Sources :
Parliamentary question :
Press release of the EU Delegation in Mauritius (in French) :
Mauritanian civil society demands the implementation of the FPA with the EU
A Mauritanian civil society Round table discussion was held in Nouakchott on October 14-15 2012, organised by Pêchecops and the FNP, on the following topic: “The proposed protocol to the EU-Mauritania fisheries agreement: towards sustainable fisheries?”. The 43 participants agreed on several recommendations (click here for the report and recommendations).
These recommendations include:
the proposed protocol must be adopted as it is without new negotiations;
the access to octopus should be exclusively reserved for national operators, in particular artisanal;
the local landing of all products resulting from the fishing operations in the Mauritanian EEZ should be mandatory,
The principle of non-discrimination of treatment between all foreign fleets should be applied;
The involvement of all the stakeholders should be guaranteed at all stages of negotiations and implementation of the protocol, in particular through the setting up of an efficient advisory council
Transparency should be achieved concerning the conditions for access to resources by foreign companies, both in the context of the EU FPA, and in the case of others agreements signed by Mauritania;
Priorities of the partnership should include support for the development of a local purse seiners fleet, fishing sardinellas for local and regional human consumption; support for women in fisheries entrepreneurs; support for basic infrastructure (landing sites, etc)
Future common fisheries policy in Africa: outlook from CAOPA
CAOPA answered a questionnaire on an assessment of the fishery sector in the ECOWAS region, proposed by AU regarding the process of a definition of a common fisheries policy, the subject of which being “Contribution of the African confederation of artisanal fishing organizations”, on the 24th of August 2012. The following questionnaire identifies the main strategic issues for capture fisheries and aquaculture in the region and the main challenges and opportunities for these sectors, such as maintaining coastal communities livelihoods, food security and concerted management of the coastal area/fisheries co-management. The lack of transparency in policies is a key issue, since it threatens the exploitation of resources. Indeed, “transparency in this regard must become the rule and must be the basis for an informed participation of the stakeholders, in particular artisanal fishing communities. Greater transparency is also an important tool in the fight against IUU fishing, which is thriving when the opacity and corruption reign”. Besides, an analysis on the current human and institutional capacities in the region is proposed. The strengths and weaknesses, challenges and opportunities for the sectors, namely marine fisheries, inland fisheries and aquaculture in the region are highlighted: “Strategies and policies should also be developed to enable artisanal fisheries, which currently target mainly coastal resources, often overfished, to develop offshore artisanal fisheries, for example for tuna species, so that our countries can derive more benefits from offshore fisheries”. An examination of the level of the existing cooperation between the regional economic communities and regional fisheries organizations in the region is provided and some propositions to strengthen cooperation and collaboration are made. Moreover, “Artisanal fisheries professionals must be recognized as primary stakeholder by decision makers”. The role of civil society and media is also stressed to be important in the management process. The fact that there are weaknesses in the implementation of the Code of conduct of the FAO for responsible fishing and other relevant documents in the region or the country is also emphasized. At last, some cross border issues in the management of fisheries and the environment in the region are indicated.
Mauritanian fishing sector supports key elements of the FPA with the EU
Officially reacting to the proposal for a Fisheries Partnership Agreement with the EU, the Mauritanian fishing sector from Nouadhibou (one of the two main fishing centres in Mauritania) expressed its support for the following elements of the proposal, which ‘answer the hopes and essential concerns’ of the Mauritanian fishing sector and ‘make a definite break with past practices’:
the ban of foreign fishing on octopus;
the payments to be made according to quantities of fish caught;
New zoning to be put in place and the use of fishing techniques in line with responsible fisheries
the increase of the proportion of nationals to be embarked on board EU vessels
Small pelagics exploitation in West Africa: Side event at COFI
CAOPA (African Confederation of Artisanal Fishing organisations) and CFFA (Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements) participated at the FAO Committee on Fisheries in July 2012 (click here for the report).
Together, they organised a side event on the exploitation of small pelagics in West Africa, and the sustainability and food security issues arising (click here for report and presentations)
The meeting started with a statement by Gaoussou Gueye (General secretary CAOPA), highlighting the importance of small pelagics for West African fishing communities and their demands to FAO and its members, which included:
To document better the impacts of the various types of exploitation of small pelagics on food security;
To recommend to states and regional fisheries organizations to consider the role of small pelagics in the ecosystems and in food security of developing countries populations when they are to make decisions for managing these resources and allocating access to these resources;
To support initiatives and efforts that will contribute to establish a concerted management of small pelagic resources in West Africa;
To support efforts by fishing communities to actively contribute to the management of these resources in a concerted and sustainable way;
To support an aquaculture based on species that do not require feed made from wild fish, that answers the demands of local and regional markets, and that is not contributing to the unsustainable exploitation of small pelagics stocks.
This statement was followed by an analysis of the main developments affecting small pelagics exploitation in West Africa and policy issues arising, by Dr Andre Standing, from (TransparentSea / CFFA). Some recent developments (2010-2012) which can have a negative impact on food security in West Africa, were examined:
The return of former Soviet Union ‘super trawlers’ to Senegal;
The new fisheries agreement between Chinese Poly Hondone Company and Mauritania;
The expansion of fishing and fish trade by Pacific Andes group in West Africa.
Various factors influencing expanding investments and industrial fishing in West Africa’s small-pelagics were presented:
Links with industrial aquaculture (production of fish oil and fish meal);
Overcapitalization and decreasing profitability of global Distant water fishing fleets targeting small pelagic;
The growth of China’s overseas fishing sector.
A final presentation was made by Brian O’Riordan (ICSF), on the main factors that have affected the small pelagic exploitation by super trawlers in South Pacific, based on a case study of the over-exploited jack mackerel, and the implications it may have for West Africa, with the arrival of these fleets in the region.
EC will publish FPA evaluations
In response to CFFA letter on FPA evaluations, the EC announced that ’from now on, all reports should be non-classified and we should properly ensure their dissemination, including their publication on the Internet. At the same time, the Commission services will endeavour to ensure that evaluations reports are available before the adoption of negotiating mandates by the Council’.
This was a long standing demand from CFFA, and we welcome this step for more transparency!
However, we still regret that the EC is not open to a wide consultation of Civil Society organisations, as it underlines being ’cautious in initiating a process of open consultation as it would change the nature of the evaluation and lead to a large extent the process being "out of control".
Pêchecops and CFFA want a sustainable fisheries partnership between EU and Mauritania
On June 8, Pêchecops (NGO Mauritania) and CFFA sent a letter to the EC Fisheries Commissioner, Maria Damanaki, insisting on the fact that ’the promotion of sustainable fisheries in the relations between Mauritania and the EU, - including the protection and development of artisanal and coastal fisheries-, will be best achieved by the conclusion of a partnership agreement based on good governance and transparency.
Pêchecops and CFFA ask for a serie of conditions to be met, including:
European fleets access must be strictly limited to stocks for which the existence of a surplus of resources non-exploitable by local fleets is demonstrated.
Within these limits, access shall be limited to European operators who use selective fishing techniques (prohibition of tickler chains, Nordmøre grid on trawlers, etc.), obey the rules and regulations, and land their catches in Mauritania.
Through an adequate zoning, industrial vessels should be excluded from the artisanal fishing zones and from other sensitive areas (coral areas, etc). To protect marine ecosystems and populations depending on them, it is important that these measures apply in a non discriminatory manner to all industrial vessels, local and foreign (including European and Chinese);
Conditions of full transparency concerning all authorized fleets operations should be established: regularly updated lists of authorised vessels should be made accessible to the public via the internet;
It is essential that the EU supports a joint framework where Mauritanian and European non-governmental actors can dialogue, allowing them to develop a common vision of the sustainable development of fisheries in Mauritania;
Pêchecops and CFFA also request for a commonly agreed investments policy to be part of the partnership, in order to finance: the implementation of fisheries management plans; superstructures and infrastructures for landing catches; the development of sustainable small-scale and coastal fishing given its comparative advantages for delivering sustainable fisheries and the training of young people and women to acquire fishing and processing skills.
As part of their fishing agreement, China offers compensation for ’the damages that Chinese trawlers inflict to Guinean artisanal fishermen’
Various articles published in the Guinean press in the last month indicate that, as part of a fishing agreement between Guinea and China, which allows for (at least) 30 chinese trawlers to fish in zones where artisanal fishermen are also fishing, some leaders from the National Union of Guinean artisanal fishermen have received compensation funds. A fisherman, representing young Guinean artisanal fishermen, highlights in an interview that, ’every six months, China offers 150.000 USdollars, as compensation for the damages that the chinese trawlers inflict to artisanal fishermen’. Last month, at the occasion of the launch of the ’Chinese hospital’ built in Kamsar, this amount was given publically by the Minister to a leader of the National Union of Guinean artisanal fishermen. That raised questions and anger from young fishermen, as they are not benefitting from these funds. Fishermen interviewed also denounced the intervention of the authorities in the nomination of the National Union of Guinean artisanal fishermen leaders. The press articles report that the fishermen leaders who received the compensation were later arrested in relation to the misappropriation of these funds, but rapidly freed under pressure from the authorities.
Sources : Press article, GUINEE24.COM, 9 May 2012[tt_news]=5670&cHash=f7e442c5b311da8a52b3fb63bc02d404 Press article, Guinee news, 23 April 2012
CFFA recommendations for future FPA ex-ante ex-post evaluations
CFFA has published a paper proposing recommendations for improving the process of future FPAs evaluations.
It was sent it to the EC, with a letter asking for:
all evaluation reports to be made systematically public (rather than made available on request);
in order to improve public participation in the decision making process, evaluations need to be reviewed and commented on by stakeholders from both parties before new agreements are concluded;
several issues should be given more consideration in the evaluations, including the impacts of the EU owned fleets activities fishing outside fishing agreements, the by-catch taken by European vessels (composition, value), the implementation of the social clause, etc
Read the paper here.
Senegal: Government cancels 29 fishing authorisations for foreign trawlers targetting small pelagics
The Senegalese government just cancelled 29 fishing authorisations that were allocated to foreign trawlers targetting small pelagics. The vessels concerned had to leave Senegal’s EEZ by 30 April 2012.
The cancelled authorisations were allocated to ’foreign trawlers chartered by two Senegalese and one Moroccan boatowners. ’What has been cancelled represent the total of the authorisations allocated by Senegal’ explained to the press agency APS a technical advisor from the Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Ministry.
In a release, the Ministry explained that it cancelled these authorisations ’after having gathered all the elements enabling them to appreciate the issue relating to protocols autorising foreign vessels to exploit migratory pelagic resources in waters under Senegalese jurisdiction’.... ’We have witnessed a strong mobilisation of the professionals from the sector so that these contracts, which do not respect the norms established to preserve our resources, are cancelled as soon as possible’
The new Président, Macky Sall, had already stated, in a speech delivered on 3d April, that he was ’determined the review the access conditions for fishing licences’ and to ’firmly fight against vessels pillaging our resources’. Source
Fisheries Agreements reform: The EU must act in a coherent manner for sustainable fisheries
In a document published at the occasion of the first exchange of views between European parliamentarians on the CFP external dimension reform, on 25 January 2012, CFFA demands the EU ’to address, in a clear and coherent manner, the complexity of EU-developing countries fisheries relations (access to resources, access to markets, investments, etc). The EU needs to develop a framework which will ensure that all the components of fisheries relations with developing countries contribute to sustainable fisheries.
To this end, the EU should develop Sustainable Fisheries Development Partnerships, which sole objective should be to create a favorable environment, in the third developing country concerned, for environmentally, socially and economically sustainable operations, in line with the objectives of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible fisheries.
In the particular case where EU flagged and EU owned vessels are fishing in developing countries waters, good governance agreements should be signed between the EU and the coastal country concerned. Such agreement will stipulate the conditions under which EU operators can undertake fishing activities in the third countries concerned, ensuring these activities are in line with the third countries initiatives and efforts undertaken through the sustainable fisheries partnerships.
Some specific issues are also addressed in the document: 1. The case of tuna 2. The need for EU investments in developing countries sustainable fisheries 3. Support to Small scale fisheries 4. Improving transparency and accountability
Fisheries agreements implementation to be financially supported by the future European Financial instrument
The EC proposal for a European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the period 2014-2020 has been launched. The EMFF proposal covers technical assistance for fishing agreements and RFMOs: Article 91 of the proposal states that: ’The EMFF may support, at the initiative of the Commission, subject to the ceiling of 1.1% of this fund: (b) the implementation of sustainable fisheries agreements and the Union participation in regional fisheries management organisations’. In addition to this, an envelope is foreseen to cover Sustainable Fisheries Agreements and EU membership in International Organisations and Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, which have their own individual basic acts. The envelope for both actions amounts to EUR 968 million for the period 2014-2020. Annually, SFAs and RFMOs funding goes from 146 millions in 2014 to 136 millions in 2020.
A new basis for EU agreements with ACP countries
What will change concretely? How will the activities of the EU fleets fishing outside fisheries agreements be monitored? How will the EU develop regional strategies for European fisheries relations with third-country partners? Is the ‘raise in production standards’ not likely to become a non-tariff barrier for ACP countries? How will the promotion of good governance be concretised in future agreements? Read the interview with Stefaan Depypere, Director of International Affairs and Markets, DG Mare.